Watch This Space is a group exhibition that brings together a selection of artists who have worked together over the last 12 months as part of a project called, ‘the pARTnership’.
Bringing together artists with and without a learning disability, the pARTnership is an Arts Council England funded, 12-month pilot project that has seen these artists sharing ideas, skills and experiences in weekly art making sessions. Watch This Spaces brings together some of the work that has been made both inside and outside of these sessions.
The pARTnership is being delivered via a collaboration between Grundy Art Gallery, The New Langdale (a daytime service in Blackpool for people with a learning-disability), Venture Arts in Manchester and artist, Tina Dempsey.
Now, just over half way through the initial pilot period, plans are evolving to ensure that the pARTnership can continue in the future, so ….’Watch This Space’.