Collection Spotlight exhibitions are an opportunity for Grundy Art Gallery to highlight individual artists or showcase a specific selection of works from the Grundy’s collection. In 2022, Grundy Art Gallery is marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Preston born artist and suffragist, Patti Mayor, with a Collection Spotlight exhibition presented in two parts.
While Part One previously focused on Patti’s painted portraits, Part Two takes us behind the scenes. Along with the 28+ paintings by Patti, Grundy Art Gallery also holds a large number of the artists’ works on paper. These works in pen, pencil and watercolour fill numerous sketchbooks, loose pieces of paper and torn out diary pages and show the artist at play, testing out different subject matters and materials. Presented together for the first time here at Grundy Art Gallery, these pieces show how drawing was central to the artist’s practice as a way to record observations, capture ideas and to refine her technique.