Join the Rest (Is An Ecological Act) Reading Group, led by artist Niki Colclough and take part in our monthly collective reading sessions.
Rest Reading Group: The Art of Rest (for 16 – 25 yrs)
Date: Tuesday 28th May 2024
Time: 1pm-3pm
FREE, all materials will be provided
Ages: 16+
During RA WALDEN : OBJECT TRANSFORMATIONS THROUGH THE COORDINATE OF TIME we will be hosting three ‘Rest Sessions’ convened by artist Niki Colclough. Niki has been researching the social and political structures that shape our ability to rest with the aim to nurture more equitable, creative and collaborative approaches to resting.
The second rest session is for young people 16-25 years, we will spend time collectively reading ‘The Art of Rest’ by Claudia Hammond, it is not necessary to read the text in advance, copies will provided on the day. We will then explore techniques for building more rest into our daily routine, using a practical rest tool that Niki has designed, before walking to the beach for some ‘blue wellbeing’ activities.
If you have any questions, please get in touch, we’re happy to hear from you.